DerCrates 🗝️ Model Animations, Fast Setup, GUIs

DerCrates .10.6
Animated 3D Crates with ItemsAdder integration, auto creation, auto percentage in lore and can use GUIs aanywhere!

Native version:


Tested versions:

1.18, 1.19




Alan, DerVillion


  • 3D Crate models with custom model animations (timed) - ItemsAdder entity support
  • Everyone can see crate animations
  • NO LAG
    • Packets based plugin for all animations, meaning the server doesn't need to process any of the information
    • Easily create new rewards in-game by dropping a reward into a GUI and instantly saving it to the files
    • Easily create new crates and rewards in-game with a text / GUI editor.
    • Crate Holograms
    • Virtual & Physical Keys
    • Customize how the prize looks and what the rewards are (can be different)
    • Easily customize Hologram configuration in game
    • ItemsAdder Support
    • PlaceholderAPI Hook
    • Citizens Support
    • Custom Crate's Rewards Previews (Customize them fully to your liking! All done easily with the in game editor)
    • HeadDatabase heads support
    • NBTAPI support
    • Custom Model Data Support


  • 3D Crate models with custom model animations (timed) - ItemsAdder entity support
  • Everyone can see crate animations
  • NO LAG
    • Packets based plugin for all animations, meaning the server doesn't need to process any of the information
    • Easily create new rewards in-game by dropping a reward into a GUI and instantly saving it to the files
    • Easily create new crates and rewards in-game with a text / GUI editor.
    • Crate Holograms
    • Virtual & Physical Keys
    • Customize how the prize looks and what the rewards are (can be different)
    • Easily customize Hologram configuration in game
    • ItemsAdder Support
    • PlaceholderAPI Hook
    • Citizens Support
    • Custom Crate's Rewards Previews (Customize them fully to your liking! All done easily with the in game editor)
    • HeadDatabase heads support
    • NBTAPI support
    • Custom Model Data Support

DerCrates .10.6

- Added: Wheel + CSGO GUI animation - Added support for 1.20+ - Fixed: FireCracker, QuickCrate, QuickCrateSword not using animation offset

Jan 20, 2024 • 1 Download

DerCrates 0.9.4

- Added: Model Animations is split into two menus - Added: Crate entities are set to be persistent upon placing them - Added support for 1.19.x - Added: Animation offset & delay option to editormarked as completed

Jan 20, 2024 • 0 Downloads

DerCraft 0.8.2

- Added support for ItemsAdder models and model animations - New system for storing crates - Fixed item amount for custom stacks

Mar 16, 2023 • 0 Downloads

DerCrates 0.7.1

Project Launch

Dec 25, 2022 • 0 Downloads



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Author: DerCraft
Total downloads: 1
First release: Dec 25, 2022
Last update: 6 months ago
Category: Plugins, Utilities
All-time rating:
Version DerCrates .10.6
Released: 6 months ago
Downloads: 1